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Results of mapping and modeling of the water supply network

In order to proceed with the modeling of the Argos water supply network, we first map the network through Geographical Information Systems (GIS/GIS).

GIS provide tools for spatial relationships that allow the user to describe, analyze, compare, and perform mathematical operations on data that has a spatial distribution. In an era of rapidly developing electronic databases, the uniqueness of GIS lies in their power to synthesize multiple levels of information and create new spatial entities from the processing (spatial analysis) of data.

Here, ArcGis software is used. ArcGIS applications span many fields, including geography, spatial planning, transportation, water resources, natural resources, map services, and many others. Users can create interactive maps, present geographic data in different ways, discover patterns and trends, and predict events based on geographic information.

ArcGIS also provides interfacing capabilities with other software and data sources, allowing users to extend its functionality and integrate geographic information into other applications. In particular, it is possible to automatically interface ArcGIS with the MIKE+ software of the DHI company, integrating all the GIS information in MIKE+, with the additional possibility of viewing the results of MIKE+ in the ArcGIS environment, which is quite user-friendly.

For the creation of the Geographical Information System of the internal and external network of the municipality of Nestos, the following were carried out:

· Plans of the existing internal network of the city of Argos

· On-site autopsies in the city of Aegion to map the network

· Interviews-Discussions with the competent technicians (hydraulics, electricians) and the service of DEWA Argos

· GIS maps 1:5000, satellite images of the area, topographic data and elevations, road network

The modeling of the closed zone of the internal water supply network of the city of Argos was carried out in the software of the company DHI, MIKE+. The software is based on the internationally recognized water network modeling tool EPANET 2.0, while a very important factor for choosing the software is that MIKE+ works with GIS software. In the image above you see the software environment and the final overview of the internal water supply network.